
Friday, April 5, 2013


There are a lot of draw backs to trusting an automated system for cash gifting. I am going to be blunt here. You are kidding yourself if you have believed what the fully automated cash gifting websites have told you. There is an enormous potential and the actual reality of abuse by the fully automated low end and high end cash gifting participants out there. This article will help you understand why you need to steer clear of an automated cash gifting program online.
 Many people fail with automated cash gifting programs for many reasons. All of them disappointed by the fact they fell for the hype and the above programs failed to deliver the automated cash gifting experience they were searching for.
 The issues that have been reported are many. I will attempt to go over some of the bigger problems. One that requires mentioning is people that were supposed to have received gifts claimed they never got them. In other words, these people joined under a specific inviter and that inviter never got the gift. The people were able to use the system, it's just the person that invited them was taken out of the cash loop so to speak.
 When you trust others to handle your leads for you, this is a very common thing. The call back center can steal your gifts, and yes IT DOES HAPPEN every day in automated cash gifting systems. Maybe that is why you never got a gift?? Any cash gifting program that forces you to use their "closers" instead of being able to call your leads personally is a BIG NO NO. Steer clear of this BIG TIME.
another great day with cash gifting
 Another issue with fully automated cash gifting activities or (cash gifting programs), is they all require you to pass up your first person or people and all that beautiful cash gifting success you deserve goes to someone else. That is not true cash gifting and also is VERY ILLEGAL in 99% of the united states. Can you say PYRAMID? True christian cash gifting is based on the bible. Give and then you can receive not give and then give again!
 If nothing else steer clear of the iceberg that is cash gifting with a 1 up. That is unless you like to be the titanic and sink....  
cash gifting solves ordinary peoples financial debts
 That brings a side point in. If the one up cash gifting model was legal, which it is not, and the 1 up was so powerful, why is everyone willing to waive it if you join at the higher levels. Use your brain really hard here. Why the heck would you waive the most powerful part of the 1 up program, if it worked so I said stay away from the 1 ups, that is if you want to actually generate the cash your looking for.
 Since there is many more issues to cover concering the 1 up cash gifting systems and automated cash gifting, there will be a series of articles coming on this. Someone has to spread the news that true cash gifting activities require no qualifiers, no 1 ups, no passing up and are not automated.